Find Your Friend

Our initial view in a group project with personal technology at the start of the project was limited to a gadget or a service that one or more people coud use to solve a specific problem. With this starting point, we began our search by looking at common problems within specific areas and then chose to delimit us into security and location. Security was the first area we investigated, it is an interesting area where there is very high focus on the individual and / or personal belongings. The first thought that struck us was To digitize a wallet, something that is already done to a certain extent.

A renderer screen shoot of the wallet made by me in 3Ds Max

We wanted to expand the application area of ​​the technology on something else. Security was the first area we investigated as a starting point but our research and end concept didnt end there. The first thought that struck us was To digitalize a wallet, something that is already done to a certain extent. To expand the application area of ​​the technology on something else we did research about other areas in the subject. After deciding to work with people instead of belongings, we sought inspiration from concepts and existing products.

The aim of our concept ended up to facilitate localization through technical communication through a bracelet with location indications by those who where connected to them.

Concept sketch

Bracelets (two pieces) one for transmitter and one receiver. When the users of the bracelets Closer to each other, the LED lights change inside the bracelet color so that the user can get An idea of ​​this is close to the other bracelet carrier or not. Longer distance gives The lights are red, closer to yellow and very close to green. By the receiver and The sender reads the distance and gives different colors to help the user find his friend Because the colors then symbolize the distances and can give the user an idea of Where the friend is.
